Sapna Gupta

Sapna Gupta is the Assistant to the Deputy Director at the Maricopa Association of Governments, the Phoenix region's metropolitan planning organization and council of governments. She conducts research and engages with public and private stakeholders in the areas of economic development, trade, homelessness, education and workforce development. Prior to that, she was a Senior Policy Analyst at the Morrison Institute for Public Policy at Arizona State University, a policy think tank. She has edited and authored reports on trade and education and regularly presents research findings to civic organizations and industry groups. She has appeared on Arizona PBS’s Horizon, Arizona Public Media’s Arizona Week and on KJZZ radio, and has been quoted in print and online news publications.  

Prior to joining Morrison Institute, Sapna consulted and conducted research for civic organizations, nonprofits and universities in Chicago and Paris. She has structured financings for public entities as an investment banker at J.P. Morgan and was an economist and consultant at the World Bank’s West Africa Infrastructure Division. She graduated from the Harvard Kennedy School with a master’s degree in public policy and earned her bachelor's degree in public policy studies from the University of Chicago. She joined the Board of Directors of Global Ties Arizona in 2021 and has been a member of the ASU Art Museum’s Creative Impact Board since 2014. Sapna, her husband and their two children have lived in Arizona since 2010.